Four Pillars
Our four key stages to create wealth and income.

If you don’t have foresight, it’s hard to know where to start and impossible to know where you’ll finish.

You wouldn’t set off on a journey without knowing the destination, so why do the same with your businesses and investments?

Work with us to determine your current financial situation and uncover your wealth potential.

By combining this information with your own financial ambitions, we  create a customised Fourtress Plan. This plan acts as the blueprint for your investment journey and is the cornerstone of achieving your financial goals.

Now is the time to get organised and put your Fourtress Plan into action. A strategic plan is crucial but  application is the key.

You are embarking on an exciting journey that requires organisation. Give us the green light and our team of trusted professionals will start securing the right investments for you.

We will research, acquire and manage the best property investments, ensuring they fit with your individual Fourtress Plan. There are many moving parts when acquiring property and these can quickly become overwhelming. We have the expertise to ensure this is done seamlessly, professionally and with the minimum outlay of your time and energy.

Most people think that once you’ve acquired your assets, the job is done. We know from experience that this is not always the case.

Once assets have been acquired and are being professionally managed,  you can enjoy watching  your portfolio grow.

However, now is not the time to be complacent. It’s time to assess whether any upgrades are required.

At this stage you have regular Fourtress Portfolio Performance Reviews (PPRs). These ensure everything in your plan is running smoothly.

We highlight any opportunities that may occur and make you aware of any action that needs to be remedied quickly and efficiently. This leaves you with time to focus on other  priorities.

While you work hard on your immediate priorities, your Fourtress Team works hard to secure your future.

So after years of us helping maximise your financial potential, it’s time for you to enjoy the rewards.

You have believed in your Fourtress Plan, invested with confidence and been disciplined to see it through to fruition.

It’s a gratifying process and with your newfound knowledge, along with the freedom and opportunities you now have, this is usually the start of another planning stage.

See how the Fourtress Group looks after small details to make big differences

“We have created something very special at Fourtress Group. We build trust enabling us to implement personal plans to unlock our clients’ long-term financial potential. After seeing first-hand how property investment secured my financial future, I was determined to help others do exactly same.”

Dave Edwards - Co-founder of Fourtress Group